It has many features to suit the needs of students of Graphic Era University (GEHU). This online portal, accessible via [https://student. gehu. ac. in/]. It’s an effective academic management system that provides features and services to simplify management and develop the learner experience. Geac’s ERP for GEHU is a useful tool for the students. Whereby they can find past year papers, track daily attendance, and organize study sessions. This helpful article will highlight key headings that shed light on the details of ERP Gehu, including details of the features, registration, login, and some of the advantages of using the software.
What is ERP Gehu ?
It is an online platform with services that are designed to fit the needs of the students of Graphic Era University. Organizes and consolidates numerous academic services and management responsibilities within an institution, thus assisting students in their pursuit of academic balance. From getting notes and attendance records to even past papers and exam schedules, the ERP contains all the vital features for any student to excel in class.
Features of ERP Gehu
It has numerous functions that will contribute to the interesting and innovative experience of getting knowledge for students. Here are some of the key features:
Timetable Management
It has a feature regarding annual timetable where teachers and faculty members can create assignments, tests, due dates etc. They help students develop a structured working plan that covers all the important academic events and deadlines, ensuring they have a clear plan to follow.
Academic Report Card
The sports team progress feature also allows parents and teachers to track the performance of their children or students in their respective teams. This feature makes viewing of performance indicators possible, and since students have targets which they ought to achieve in their academic careers, they can easily identify areas that require attention and work towards addressing them.
Resource Access
This platform provides students a selection of various colleges and universities that students can go through to access a plethora of information. This includes Study Materials/Notes, Papers and most important Notes/Sorted Notes all of which help in better study sessions.
Communication Tools
Some of the features of the ERP system, specifically, Gehu. It contains forums & discussion boards where students & faculty members can exchange ideas & information. These tools create a platform through which students can be able to turn to for help while at the same times spreading knowledge.
Library Materials
There is a virtual library available, which gives the faculty members and students an opportunity to use a large number of various resources and materials on the subjects. They are particularly useful in research and for reading more about the material that has been presented in the news article.
How To Register On ERP Gehu

Freshmen at Graphic Era University need not spend hours to register on ERPGehu on their own. The registrar executes the registration procedure of students in the institution. Here’s a brief overview of the process:
1. Provide Required Details: New students will be required to provide some information like Admission slip/ Registration slip or transfer slip, name, age, gender, email Id, and mobile number to the registrar.
2. Registrar Completes Registration: Finally, in the case of the student, the registrar department takes an active part in the registration process.
3. Receive User ID and Password: Image 3 After registration, students are issued with a user identification number and password to their personal email account.
Process To Login
After receiving your login credentials, follow these steps to log into your ERPGehu account:
1. Open Browser: Start the web browser of your choice that you would wish to use for browsing through the web and searching for information on the internet.
2. Visit Official Website: Search for the URL https://student. gehu. ac. in [ Enter in search bar]
3. Select Official Link: The link to the respective homepage can be accessed from the result window by clicking on it.
4. Enter Credentials: You should enter your user ID in the first field of open boxes and your password – in the second one.
5. Login: To proceed with what you want to achieve, please click on the “logging in now” button below the ERP Gehu account.
Ways to Reset Password of ERP Gehu
If you forget your ERPGehu password, you can easily reset it by following these steps:
1. Visit Official Website: You will find better access to link
2. Click on ‘Forget Password: At the login page, select the option labeled ‘forget password. ’
3. Enter Required Details: The field marked compulsory includes the areas where you are supposed to input your user ID, email ID, and date of birth.
4. Click ‘Reset’: Upon completing this step, select the reset option to clear all the fields on the form.
5. Receive Reset Link: A reset link will be mailed to the email address, you have provided while registration. Please click the link to change the password.
Process to Reset Forgotten ERP Gehu User ID
If you forget your user ID, follow these steps to recover it:If you forget your user ID, follow these steps to recover it:
1. Visit Official Website: Visit the following link : [https://student. gehu. ac. in/].
2. Click on ‘Forget ID’: To do so, type in the search bar and click on the words “Forget ID. ”
3. Provide Personal Information: Try to remember often used details such as Mobile number and date of birth.
4. Verify Information: To confirm the subscription or registration, click on the verify option. If the information matches the record, a password for opting for the New User ID will be sent to the user.
Benefits of ERP Gehu
As a result of the implementation of this, the following advantages are offer to ensure improved academic performance and effective administrative. Here are some key benefits:
Improved Performance
It assists activity of university staff, teachers, and students by letting track assignments and optimize workflows. Teachers can work ahead and students can also utilize the tools and information found at the site to enhance their learning.
It provides flexibility because at any given time and day, students can gain access to such materials. For instance, teachers can also review the student reports and assignments at their convenient time and not necessarily at a set time that may be inconvenient for the users.
Time Management
It is used to manage students’ activities as well as to have an annual plan for activities, which help students to develop proper time management. This assists the students in order to plan themselves and avoid congestion since there is always a way to arrange the calendar to meet all urgent academic needs.
Customized Experience
Filter options and motivations for tasks can be set by the user in the choice options for bespoke use in ERPGehu. It means that this type of setting increases user activity and productivity because users are being treat individually.
Services Offered by ERP Gehu
The services offered by the ERPGehu helps the students not only to receive education, but to find a lot of useful things in the process of studying. Here are some of the top services offer by the portal:
Fee Payments
Students are able to check and make their fees online through ERPGehu, which saves them time and energy from having to go to the bank to make that long queues. There is no doubt that this digital method is highly effective and efficient in saving time and is also eco-friendly.
Monitoring Attendance
Some of the features that are available into the platform include tools for tracking class attendance. The number of the attendances and the percentage calculated for obligatory attendance allows students. To make proper records of the number of the lectures attended and the necessary percentage calculated in accordance with the demands of the university.
Cloud Storage
In their current position, It is a trusted and efficient provider of cloud storage for students and faculty members. One can use this space to store documents, files, project and homework, assignments among other things for easy retrieval and sorting.
Study Materials
This website provides a broad collection of study materials containing exams, lectures, tutorials, and other educational material. These are resources learners can avail from an off-site location; this is very essential, especially at the time of examination or assignments.
High-End Tools
The action platform encompasses several advanced utilities for all the teachers and students. These tools help in working on projects and assignments, some of the variations of which are chat, audio conference, video conference .
ERP Gehu is indeed fundamental and beneficial for all students of Graphic Era University. As it consolidates all the academic and administrative services that a student requires at a single place. When it comes to the ERP the benefits include improved timetable management. Features for the generation of academic report cards, issue of students’ handbooks, resources, and modes of communication. From the content of the platform and the available services. The platform’s easy-to-use interface, a myriad of opportunities, and the effectiveness in academic tasks make it an optimum tool for overseeing assignments and boosting performance.
FAQ’s about ERP Gehu
Ans- It provides a variety of features including timetable management, academic report cards, access to a wealth of resources, communication tools, and digital library materials.
Ans- Students do not need to register themselves. The registration process is handled by the registrar department at Graphic Era University. Students need to provide details such as their admission slip, name, age, gender, email ID, and mobile number.
Ans- If you forget your password, visit the official ERPGehu website and click on the “Forget Password” option. Enter your User ID, Email ID, and Date of Birth, then click “Reset.”
Ans- Yes, It is optimized for mobile use. You can access the platform on your mobile device. Just as easily as on a desktop, ensuring that you have access to all features and resources on the go.
Ans- It offers services like online fee payments, attendance monitoring, cloud storage for digital files, and access to study materials. It also provides high-end tools for collaboration on projects and assignments.